Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Long Can You Serve In The Army

RIM and Google will release their shelves ... RIM unveils Blackberry

Then Apple announced that its iPad tablet is finally available as of May 28 for a few new countries (Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Japan, Australia ...), we learned this week RIM, the Canadian maker of BlackBerry and Google will market their shelves before the end of the year.

Google has said that the company wishes on the occasion of this new challenge, concentrate all the expertise gained in recent years by the Google tools to provide an apparatus pushing all the current limits ... comprehensive program!

course, Google would work on this project in close collaboration with the U.S. operator Verizon to respond to Apple's exclusive partnership with AT & T in the U.S. market. It should be noted that only AT & T can sell the iPhone in the U.S., unlike the French market where the exclusive operator Orange about this product, has been ruled illegal.

However, this partnership must also see to Google a new approach to consumers with its products. Indeed, when the output of the Nexus One, we discussed the business strategy of the firm's unorthodox, of displaying on a web page, a presentation of the mobile device along with its price U.S. $ 600.

No obvious in these circumstances that the public can judge the product without having in hand even if that shop ... Not clear, nor consumers are really just geeks or at least well informed people on new technologies. Therefore, it became increasingly difficult to imagine a massive evangelization Android smartphones well Recently a study that suggests a reversal for Google, it would flow into the U.S. market more phones with the Android than Apple iPhones!

Learning from failures, Google is not a company that sells consumer goods, but rather are positioned on services and often free software and supplies online, has decided to retire this week, the website offers One purchase of Nexus. Google now joins the distribution network for Verizon devices and expects its new strategy to counter the effective distribution of Apple.

Thus, Google will benefit from the shelf supports a gigantic commercial for broadcast. So of course, nothing has filtered, no prototype has been accidentally forgotten in a bar, no employee of the company has disclosed a secret ... but in all likelihood Google should release a device based on the OS & Open Source Android house. Java and HTML 5 will have the pride and Google will take a perverse pleasure to extend or redefine the web experience on a mobile device ...

I tend to bet that this is technically the top shelf with integrated webcam while Apple to rate themselves there, did my point of view, an error at the launch of the iPad. And recognition tools developed by Google voice search will be without doubt the parties, as well as software for instant translation.

I do believe that Google wants to make a splash and that Apple has stimulated the neurons of many engineers. They are finally a worthy opponent who has more in ideas. Time will tell but there is ample room for everyone on this huge market. Nevertheless

Microsoft, for the bais of its CEO, Steve Ballmer, says clearly not to believe in this niche market and will surely bite the fingers after releasing HP the manufacturer of the tablet ... Is that a reason which would have forced HP to buy the publisher and its famous Palm PDA WebOS? Otherwise why such redemption, if HP does not benefit?!

As RIM, I am pleasantly surprised by the revival of the manufacturer who is trying to position themselves on great products public while its software and hardware solutions initially aims to provide answers to CIOs who want to master the mobile extension of their information systems.

Again little hint, but all indications are that this tablet if she wants consistent with the rest of the current supply of such manufacturer, adopt a variation of the new BlackBerry OS 6.0 offering ergonomics more in tune with what is proposed in competition with such products.

As RIM's business comes from the world, it could also be the first to suggest a shelf company to equip SME or a multinational with a terminal affordable and radically more advanced than what the handset manufacturers currently offer to businesses ... I assure you it is distressing when comparing payment terminals, booking, signing purchase orders, etc. ... capabilities of smartphones public.

To support this rumor, indicate that RIM has recently Bought QNX, a specialist in OS for embedded systems and that the Canadian manufacturer had commissioned a Chinese company Hon Hai Precision, 8.9-inch screens .. . The name of the project would BlackPad or Cobalt ... and the output would be scheduled for late 2010 or early 2011 ... want! want! These are hard facts, is not it?

short to show his muscles on the market, we must now show its shelves ... so we wait for Nokia, Samsung and others fight back!

continued ... Sources

Google, RIM, Microsoft, HP.


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