Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dahvie Vanity Hairstyles

McAfee and SAP are very interested in moving from the pros!

Last week we learned that the German software giant companies preparing to acquire for some 5.8 billion Sybase.

This is an American publisher who has recently reorganized its operations between software publishing and the acquisition of Mobile 365 whose profession broker SMS / MMS International, was then taken to the Mobile Solutions Banking particularly in developing countries.

Sybase provides management solutions, database (Sybase SQL Server), design tools / modeling ( Power Designer / Builder Power) and other software to accelerate the development of mobile applications CE/6.1 BlackBerry or Windows.

Although submission of this editor has always been very discreet, the fact remains that its software designs are recognized by engineers ... Who has not used these tools to start a project of great magnitude?

short, Sybase also has a technological capital in the field of mobility. They are
effect, owners of SQL Anywhere (database for embedded systems), publisher of SUP ( Sybase Unwired platfom ) for orchestrating data flow and a rapid development in mobility applications for mobile devices RIM and Microsoft.

It is true that I am not convinced by SUP after a demonstration and had conducted a grip in a Eclipse plug-in. The solution consists of a development tool and a deployment environment rich and expensive. The development tool facilitates the generation of interfaces and basic carriage on a small fleet of terminals such as BlackBerry or Windows Mobile CE.

This type of solution is proposed for very large companies who ask the question of how heavily industrialize the publication of data streams to a fleet of mobile professionals.

However, although the initial idea of the editor is interesting, it is understood that Sybase is trying to dust off the product especially with the onslaught of new mobile OS and the judicious questioning CIOs to develop mobile business applications ...

The recent rehash of SUP 1.5 does not allow contact terminals iPhones, Android, Phone or Windows 7.0. That's where I make my main criticism of this editor. Indeed, during a presentation session in Paris, Sybase has tried to contain the questions from the audience about the benefits of investing in this solution without a clear positioning of the publisher against other mobile OS ...

It is true that even in the business world things will change very quickly in the field of mobility. Number of employees already have advanced smartphones for their private use but increasingly used in the workplace by leaving sometimes the terminal company dedicated to this purpose ...

Read his mail, share his calendar is only the first actual experiences and concrete but the future is the emergence of mobile business applications and services created by using multiple mobile platforms available on the market.
The arrival of the iPhone, iPad, the multiple possibilities of the Android platform or messes up everything Microsoft Windows 7.0 Phone raises more questions CIOs of large enterprises.

How to sustain développpements master mobile terminals and fleets of heterogeneous devices while ensuring the privacy and data security?

On this point, Sybase highlights its utility Afaria to manage fleets of mobile distance and covering a range of terminals substantially more attractive: iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, Nokia, etc..

This particular type of tool can manage the configuration files for phones mobile to allow or restrict certain rights regarding access to the Internet, messaging, wireless terminals, etc..

It is also planned upgrades to facilitate the mass deployment of mobile applications on all types of platforms including the iPhone OS 4.0, which authorizes the deployment off the App Store.

currently used by Orange Business Services (OBS) as part of its services to businesses, Afaria software is in the range of relevant software for the administration of parks mobile professionals.

Ultimately, it is not clear that SAP bought Sybase's partner for its mobile solutions, the battle is probably more prosaic and the market dominance of Oracle databases ... Sybase is one of the last players to occupy a significant place in this market and strategic face of American supremacy.

With the acquisition of Sybase, SAP is trying to make a comprehensive response to Oracle (MySQL / Sun), by offering its customers complete solutions: software company, to databases through the mobility solutions into the flow of information from the first systems.

other news to put in parallel, the redemption of Trust Digital by McAfee. After the resumption of SafeBoot, an encryption solution for mobile, McAfee continues its offensive in acquiring Trust Digital, a publisher who develops a platform for centralized administration and protection of mobile devices.

Trust Digital also develops software agents for smartphones and PDAs under different operating systems, including iPhone OS, Android, Web OS, Windows Mobile or Symbian Nokia.

McAfee will expand its offering by integrating mobile administrative functionality and secure mobile fleets Trust Digital to its own console: McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO). At the McAfee security is already positioned with M mobile coffee
Security, including data encryption and virus protection ...

In conclusion, we observed the consolidation movement taking place around technologies to address the mobile channel professionals. Although this target market is slower to start than the general public mobility, the fact remains that we are witnessing tremors, some questions in the ISD and positions of major players in the computer world.

continued ...

Sources SAP, McAfee.


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