Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stomach Sitting Pinmatch

Phone With Windows 7.0, Microsoft Strikes cons ... Nokia buys

Last week Novedia had the privilege of attending the briefing Windows 7.0 Phone in Paris organized by Microsoft.

Before an audience of a hundred people from all over Europe, the Redmond company to introduce new products on its new mobile platform.

Without revealing some confidential information that were uncovered during this appointment, he agrees to share a set information that have been churned out by the publisher since Of Mobile Congress Barcelona and Mix in Las Vegas.

Indeed, one of the slogans of the designers of the new platform was to start from scratch. In other words, everything that has been developed as part of Windows Mobile to version 6.5 to market last year, is finally set aside.

With the tremendous rise of Apple in the smartphone and appetites barely veiled Google, Nokia, RIM or Samsung, Microsoft teams, did not want to fall behind in this promising market. It's a bit "Think different" at Microsoft ... and why not because they have a real card to play as a forerunner in the mobile market.

Also, to generate interest from developers and publishers, Microsoft has decided to support its strategy on the use of its platform. NET development and free availability of different programming tools.

The idea is to use Microsoft's broader development solutions for PC and console Xbox to address the mobile channel.

Silverlight technology, presented as a competitor to Adobe Flash, will it read PDA Windows Phone to design mobile applications rich in multimedia experiences.

In addition, the XNA development platform used to create games for Xbox, will be sought by developers of mobile games. In this regard, the editors of the sector, have high expectations around new user experiences on mobile games and real-time multiplayer ...

Thus, the developer community already familiar with these technologies will have no special effort to understand the Windows platform Phone 7.0.

With a philosophy and interfaces that really stand out from the competition, Microsoft is committed with a mobile platform very interesting and more integrated solutions to all the software publisher.

To support the international deployment of Windows 7 Phone Series, a market place (Windows Market) will be launched simultaneously with the release of new Windows Smartphone. At the next school year, users will enter this shop software, rich with multiple applications and enable it, to test an app before buying it ...

With this great return on mobile, Microsoft intends to target not only companies but also the general public. No doubt this will offer comprehensive and offensive to conquer new market shares.

Therefore, under the partnership Novedia & Microsoft and our strong expertise in the field of mobility , we hope to assist our customers on this new platform with which the American publisher incurs huge means.

Source Microsoft.


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