Monday, April 26, 2010

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iad: Apple reinvents mobile advertising

iad is the advertising platform from Apple for all applications run on iPhone / iPod or iPad.
The objective of the U.S. company is to provide developers anxious to preserve the free applications from the public, a simple and effective way to monetize the mobile audience tied to their establishment.

benevolence What would we say if we did not know that Apple could expect to obtain 40% of revenue generated by the campaigns created using this mobile advertising platform! But just explain why Apple does not things half (again) and that competition still going on near the subject.

For this, we must explain that the solution iad will allow direct integration of advertising space in rich apps, without users having to leave the environment of an application running. ..

course mobile advertising is nothing new. Many times we have mentioned on this blog, the various solutions proposed by various companies worldwide . The most advanced to date are provided by Google and Admob. The latter start-ups specializing in mobile advertising is currently being acquired by the firm in Mountain View ...

However well AdMob Solutions and Google AdWords / Adsense suggest ways to address the mobile web and embedded applications, the industry is still struggling to really take off.

Therefore, Apple is very strong in presenting iad, a solution that offers multiple opportunities to make a mobile advertising campaign more attractive ...
Currently, a mobile advertising campaign is reduced to simple banners or text clickable linking to mobile sites more or less adapted to the user terminal .... Video as mobile billboard has appeared but the user experience in this field still has a good scope for improvement.

In the video clip below, Steve Jobs said the promising potential of this sector that the company has obviously preempt. Indeed, when it was announced that a user spends 30 minutes on its applications iPhone / iPod every day and there are more than 20 million mobile devices worldwide Apple, it's reasonable to ask questions when there is an advertising, or an advertiser.

With iad advertising platform, developers, advertising companies will have real development kits (Objective C, HTML5) to create the interaction with users through the integration of audio clips, video, or other games to be inserted directly into applications ...

also is iad an advertising platform that could be in line tool for Google Adwords; platform buying keyword and positioning of the sponsored links found on the results displayed by search engine Google.

course, we do not have all the details of the solution proposed by Apple, but it is highly likely that the publisher should develop a true market place for advertisers and other advertising agencies.

Many observers are betting that Apple will be able to provide information on the habits of users of applications from the App Store. Usage times, the most watched content, brief patterns of consumption will not probably ski across the platform to maximize the targeting and therefore the impact of advertising on the channel iPhone / iPod / iPad.

Apple has indeed a lot of data about users of its products. Since the inception of iTunes account (so far, over 100 million accounts) to its recommendation engine "Genius" is a very rich knowledge base that can exploit the publisher through the platform iad .

Also, for the fenced competition to propose solutions in this field for many years is a bit "Flowing, there nothing more to see ... "But
bet that Google is not going to let it go ... because the public does not forget is his livelihood. It is therefore likely that Google offers tools even more effective around the particular geomarketing mobile ...

However, there are clues that suggest that Apple just wants to raid the market through its solution iad, leaving virtually no alternative for developers who want to use another solution.

The contract publisher / developer of applications destined for the App Store Apple has written a paragraph (3.3.9), entitled "User interface, data collection, and local privacy laws" that supports the will of foreclosure:

"Except for the remainder of this contract , data from the device can be provided or disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Apple. Consequently, the use of third party software in your application to collect and send data from the device to a third party for processing or analysis is expressly prohibited. "

as everyone knows, one of the advantages of online advertising, whether on the Web or mobile, is precisely to analyze the returns of campaigns and thus to send data to third-party solutions ...

Therefore, there to think that Apple could have put an end to competition from iad even before its launch, there is only one step ...

continued ... with the release of the iPhone OS 4.0 next June!

Source Apple.


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